Thursday, 29 October 2015

Today we were practising  SWEFF (Sound White balance Exposure Framing Focus) when shooting. Our shutter speed was 50, our aperture was 10 and iso at 800.

Sound: we used a microphone to pick up the sound of the water being poured into the cup, the sound of the person drinking the tea and the sound of the spoon stirring the tea. We also used a clapperboard to match the sound and the video together to make sure we got it precise.

White Balance: White balance is the process of removing unnatural colour casts to objects that appear white in person and renders them white in video.Proper camera white balance has to take into account the "colour temperature" of a light source, which refers to the relative warmth or coolness of white light. 

Exposure: Exposure in film photography is defined as the quantity of light that is allowed through the camera lens and onto the photo film controlled by the intensity of light (through the aperture) and length of time (determined by the shutter speed). For correct exposure in a film camera, whether 35mmmedium format, or large format, it is essential that you correctly set both the shutter speed and aperture.Film speed will also play a role in determining the correct exposure.

Framing: In filmmakingvideo productionanimation, and related fields, a film frame or video frame is one of the many still images which compose the complete moving picture. The term is derived from the fact that, from the beginning of modern filmmaking toward the end of the 20th century, and in many places still up to the present, the single images have been recorded on a strip ofphotographic film that quickly increased in length, historically; each image on such a strip looks rather like a framed picture when examined individually.

Focus: The sharpness of the image. A range of distances from the camera will be acceptably sharp. Possible to have deep focus, shallow focus. Focus in, focus out: a punctuation device whereby the image gradually comes into focus or goes out of focus.

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